Thursday, April 2, 2009

random thursdayness

i don't have anything funny or poignant to blog about today, but i think it's been a while since the interwebs have heard from me and i'm sure that all 2 of my readers are just pining away for my thoughts on life. so i thought i would just share a few of the completely random wonderings that have been running around inside my head today...i ask questions like this all the time to whoever is in my vicinity, i'll just wonder aloud in the car or something, and it's gotten to the point where most people laugh at why i would think they would know the answer, or they make up some ridiculous response (which i will probably believe anyway). i expect my friends to be like wikipedia. i do not think that is asking too much.

i wonder how many photos albums i appear in. think about how many places you've been where people are taking pictures. how many of those people's pictures have included me somewhere in the background or just inside the frame of the photo? i should start a website dedicated to finding yourself in other people's photo albums. i have so many pictures where i'm posing with people i don't know (mardi gras is a good explanation for that), or can't remember (again, mardi gras), or didn't mean to include in my composition. surely there must be some photo album in thailand in someone's grandmother's living room where i show up in the background of a 1987 family photo at disney world. or maybe my new year's eve in london in 1998 made it into some random french person's album. the possibilities are endless.

i wonder who thought up malted milk balls. more specifically, whoppers. even more specifically, robin eggs. what does it mean for a milk ball to be malted? how does one "malt" something? can other things be malted, or just milk? why are robin eggs specific to easter? why do we eat so much candy right before bathing suit season? what does spring really have to do with chocolate cadbury eggs?

how do they get a crane up on top of a building that is being constructed? if the crane is used for constructing the building, what do they use to construct the crane? do the crane operators have to pee and eat lunch up in that little box or do they come down? when the building is really tall like in new york, how do they get the crane down afterwards? i mean, i realize that they take it apart piece by piece, but wouldn't they need another crane to lower all those pieces?

how come some cultures of people can have a variety of eye colors, but others only have dark eyes? or hair? why do asian or african people all have dark hair and not blonde or red?

is it possible that my desk is in some sort of time warp where time is slowed down and the rest of the world is moving along normally but i'm stuck here where every minute literally takes an hour?

if it's true that you could use a telescope far out in space to see earth as it used to be because of the rate of the speed of light, why wouldn't they put one out there so we could see the dinosaurs? how far away would a telescope have to be to do that?

how come english sounds so different depending on where it's being spoken? how does a region get an accent? why do people in boston say things differently than people in kentucky if we are all speaking the same language? and how did all those people in europe all end up with different languages when their countries are so close together?

i know some of these require a scientist or a linguist (how do you get to be a linguist, anyway??) or an engineer to answer, so maybe i should make up my own mormon-esque religion and marry one of every profession, but imagine the laundry i'd have to keep up with. i just want one person to know all the answers. i guess that's why i heart the internets so very, very much.

1 comment:

niki said...

you are a genius. but not a genus. actually you're part of a genus. is it 5?