Thursday, August 4, 2011

new year, in the middle of the year

wow, it has been a long time since i've written on this thing. usually i would write something that would no doubt be laced with smart mouth comments and sarcasm, but my mom read my blog the other day and told me i need to clean up my language. and as usual, she is probably right. luckily for my mother, i seem to have woken up on the emotional side of the bed today (and seriously, you should have SEEN the way my dog was sleeping - diagonally and stretched out from one side of the bed to the other - so i had no choice in the matter of what side of the bed to wake up on) and for once in my life i don't really have anything very sassy to say. except now i am admitting to the entire interwebs (and all 2 people who read this) that i have a soul, and i'm not entirely comfortable with other people knowing that.

so we have entered the 8th month of the year (how this happened so quickly is beyond me), and it recently occurred to me that while i have kept up with most of my new year's resolutions, it might be time to start a new tradition and make myself a mid year resolution. i don't see why january gets to be the only time of the year that we resolve to be better people. maybe we should make a new resolution every month, who knows, maybe we would all be slightly less grumpy and wary of one another. people might even smile more. we could start a revolution. a non violent one, of course, since that would probably defeat the purpose.

i just got back from a wonderful, week long trip down to barbados, and since i had so much time to lay around on sandy beaches and think about the way my life is going now and the direction that i want my life to go in for the future, i think i may have settled on resolving to be more mindful. i have been told by many, many people that i can tend to be a little overly sarcastic sometimes (and that is me putting it nicely), and in my realm of experience, if more than two or three people tell you something about yourself, chances are high that there is some truth in what they are telling you (even if you don't want to hear it). and i suppose that while i think i am being funny and harmless, not everyone may agree with me, and i have lost track of the amount of times i've apologized for something i said, only to turn around and say something equally as sarcastic five minutes later. and i have too many amazing relationships in my life to treat them as anything other than gifts. so, there you go, internet. not only do i have a soul, but i want to work on improving it. next thing you know, i'm going to be telling my sister i miss her or something.

and there you go, mom. an entire blog post where i did not call one single person an a-hole. even i didn't think i could do it.