i have not ever seen an episode of the bachelor. or the bachelorette. or who wants to marry a millionaire, or any of those other reality datings shows that may as well be called "how low will you go to be on television for 15 minutes and claw someone else's eyeballs out over a man/woman who you will break up with within 3 months of the end of this show." but i guess it would be hard to fit that on the tv guide listings.
anyway, this whole jake and vienna breakup thing is polluting people.com right now and first of all, i don't know who the hell they are because i never watched that show, but it also strikes me as a little odd that anyone would be surprised that 2 people who got together in the name of fame whoring are not going to be living happily ever after. this breakup occured about 5 minutes ago and people is already boasting a magazine with this jake person on the cover, with a headline reading "why i left vienna" or sienna or whatever the hell city she is named after. i mean, i know people.com is not exactly where one would go to get the most pertinent news in the world (although, cnn.com is also reporting this breakup, which makes me question their reliability as a news source), but surely there must be some celebrity in some crisis or in the middle of a divorce or nervous breakdown or public drunken rant that would have made for a much more interesting headline. oh my god, 2 people who met on a reality television show broke up because he DOESN'T TRUST HER?!?! shocker. is anyone actually upset about this?? come on, people. lindsay lohan is a drunk, jeremy london just got kidnapped and had custody of his child taken away, and lady gaga FINALLY fell down because of the ridiculous things she puts on her body and tries to pass off as clothes. i DO NOT CARE about jake and vienna. and while i'm at it, stop reporting on every little move that every one of the "real housewives" make because i don't watch any of those shows either and i find it to be a rather tragic commentary on american society that we have made women like bethanny frankel and what's her face with that tardy for the party song famous for being spoiled, self absorbed a-holes who have no clue what an actual housewife would do. and let me clue you in, it's not shopping, lunching with the girls, buying bigger boobs and meeting with the interior decorator so that your toy chihuahua's new dog house looks as fabulous as yours does.
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