few things in this life bring me such joy as spending some quality time with my best good lady friends. while it is true that 2 out of these 7 or 8 ladies are blood related to me, i'm pretty sure we were all sisters in one life or another, which is the only explanation for why we have so much damn fun whenever we're together. seeing as how yesterday was a federal holiday and we all had the day off, my girls and i got together at a friends for something that only girls are allowed to do. yeah yeah, boys can get together and drink beer and watch football with their hands down their pants while they yell at the tv and argue about sports statistics, WHO CARES. only if one is blessed with girlhood can they then get all their friends together in their finest dresses and their highest heels to sip champagne cocktails, eat fancy homemade quiche and go see the newest sex and the city flick. no doubt the people of ashburn must have thought hollywood had come to the hills of virginia when we showed up at the movies dressed like we were going out for a night on the town and not a matinee (which, by the way, is still $9 a ticket, which is an OUTRAGE) showing of some silly chick movie. still, as far as i am concerned, one can never be over dressed for anything. i have been known to show up for junior high soccer tournaments in skirts and 4 inch wedge heels.
anyway, we had so much fun being fancy (although i'm sure the champagne had something to do with the level of fun, especially considering that we made drinks to go and brought them into the movies with us, lest we lose our buzz), that it makes me think i would never ever ever want to be a guy. first of all, i love having boobs way too much (is this TMI for the internets? guess i can't run for office now. oh well) and secondly, if a group of guys were ever to get all dressed up and go out to the movies after eating brunch at one of their houses (where everyone was instructed as to where to sit at the dining room table by way of really really cute place cards with their name on it), i'm pretty sure they would be getting some serious shit for that. even if it was a movie where everyone dies and everything gets blown up. it just would not be cool. thankfully, i am a girl, so i can wear 5 inch heels and a dress to the movies in the middle of the day and hold hands with my girlfriend during the part where they are about to kiss and giggle quite literally like a school girl and no one thinks anything of it. so there. you can have your positions of power and your brute strength. i will take stilettoes and quiche any day of the week.
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