i make no secret of the fact that i love thanksgiving. i mean, i LOVE it. not just because i love turkey. i mean, i do love turkey, but i hate stuffing, greenbean casserole, sweet potato casserole, that red cranberry stuff that comes out of the can and looks like jell-o (really? what IS that?), and just about any other thanksgiving-y side dish you could think to attempt to put on my plate. but i do love thanksgiving. i just love being with my family, the noise and chaos that a houseful of people who are related to each other brings, knowing that 2 hours after i've consumed enough turkey for a week's worth of dinners, i will be in the kitchen again, making myself a turkey sammich...really, i think this is what the pilgrims actually had in mind all those years ago. and i'm sure that had those pilgrims not been so busy trying to make sure that they didn't starve to death over the long and brutal winter, no doubt that they would have made huge cartoon character balloons that required 45 people to hold them down, and they would have paraded those suckers around the woods and asked vanessa williams to sing christmas songs to top it all off. if only the pilgrims knew that a gathering that for them was a matter of life or death would, hundreds of years later, turn into an annual "gorge yourself because it's thanksgiving" festival, complete with turkey themed napkins, parades hosted by katie couric and that annoying al roker guy, an enormous floating spongebob squarepants, and the chance to consume EVEN MORE the next day, in the form of leftover turkey and one day sales. aren't we just so lucky that our forefathers had the wherewithall to conjure up such a wonderful, wonderful holiday. leave it to a country where obesity runs rampant, to step things up a notch and encourage EVERYONE to eat not just one or two, but three helpings of stuffing and mashed potatoes, and at least 9 pounds worth of that 30 pound bird on the table, because god knows all that tryptophan will help you hibernate your way to spring! (don't worry though, we will wake you up for christmas - wouldn't want anyone to miss out on all that chocolate and good cheer!)
seriously, though. i love the holidays. i really do. especially because it means i'm one day closer to the "a christmas story" marathon on tbs and every year i vow to sit through all 24 hours of it, and every year, someone eventually breaks down and makes me turn it off (i happen to think it's endearing that i cannot watch it without quoting every single line, but apparently, most people find that to be "annoying.") the greatest thing about the holidays, though, is the time off work. i don't know what it is about sleeping until 9am on a thursday, but i swear, it's the greatest feeling on earth. and anyone who knows me knows that i spend most of my weekends with my family anyway, so having a whole day or two off just so that i can hang out with my mom and dad all day?? it's the gift that keeps on giving.
bring on the peace and goodwill to all. i'm totally ready for it.
Yeah, I took the photos – glad you like them.
I have to concur with you on Thanksgiving, though I do like the green been casserole, sweet potatoes, that strange cranberry jell-o and anything else as long as it does not have any raisins in it.
By the way, Dire Straits: criminally underrated.
I’ll have to search for that Burger King post.
i will watch the marathon with you. but you have to kiss 2 times every time it starts over.
I don’t use anything fancy – just a D40 with an 18-55 lens. What do you use?
Raisins=evil. Seriously.
You know who else is underrated? Wham! Please do not tell anyone I said this.
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