Tuesday, October 14, 2008

returning to earth

three day weekends are always hard to recover from. not because i was out partying or i saw so many of my girlfriends or i did some yard work or something...mostly just because i got used to laying around and doing nothing and thinking, "hey! i don't have to go to work today!!" so i spend all of tuesday slugging around the office like i'm hungover but really my mind is just not ready to be at work yet, since it spent the day before singing "nanny nanny boo boo" all day long. i guess i did do a little bit of non-couch-sitting stuff over the long weekend...in fact, i did a lot of stuff. i went to my husband's ten year high school reunion, which was interesting to say the least. i was blown away by how many people in the room he didn't know, and when i asked him why, he said he went to high school with a thousand people, and graduated with over 300. yikes. since my graduating class was a whopping 81 people, i sort of assumed that everyone knew every last person that they graduated with. no so, people. not so. but it was a fun night, and it was especially nice that i didn't have to spend the evening answering questions about what i've been doing for the last ten years, because no one knew me so no one cared. i also took my dog to the park about 97 times because the weather was so lovely and knowing this part of the country the way that i do, i know it won't last long and i wanted to take full advantage. lincoln and i also volunteer as pet therapists for a local animal shelter and once a month we go to a boys' group home and the dogs and the boys run around for an hour and play, so we had fun doing that and he had fun getting fat off of all the treats he got, spoiled little turd. i spent most of sunday reading "a million little pieces," which is now all that i think about (funny how a book about addiction can get you so addicted to it), and marveling at the fact that erik actually wanted to sit through tbs's midafternoon screening of "encino man." i made him get off the couch and come with me to the dog park just so that we could say that the day wasn't a total waste. monday was a busy day, actually. i shopped, i got hairs cut, i dyed hair, i lunched with the sibling, i visited the parents, and i took lincoln to the park no less than three times. i read until midnight and i'm STILL not finished and all i want to do is read, read, read. but i have to work, work, work. so, i'm treating today as if it were monday, and justifying my lack of productivity by telling myself that my body and mind just haven't adjusted from the long weekend. the upside to this is that by the time i am all "adjusted" and ready to get to work, it'll be thursday afternoon, and by that time i'll be slipping into weekend mode and will be utterly useless to do anything other than think about what i'll be doing this weeekend.
i'm hoping that during the debate tomorrow night, one of the candidates will say that they will propose 3 day weekends, every single weekend of every single month, to cut down on energy costs and on car emissions. cause i would vote for that man, oh yes i would, in a heartbeat.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you are a kumquat. HAHAHAH.