last night, the husband and i were treated to a double date with his parents. maybe not everyone would be thrilled about dinner and the theatre with the in-laws, but even if my mother in law was the wicked witch of the west (which she is far, far from, by the way), i would have still been estatic about our night out. after dinner (veggie burger and sweet potato fries at the elephant and castle, YUM!) we walked over to the warner theatre to see savion glover, tap dancer and visionary to the stars. :) erik and i have seen him once before, at the same venue actually, but little ol me bought the tickets and we ended up waaaay in the back, where you lose out on so much of the fancy footwork going on. but this time, we were 6th row and could see their shoelaces we were so close! i was blown away before, but this time, since we could really see what was going on, i was just absolutely in awe of this man's gift. the performance was called bare soundz, and included two other incredibly, incredibly talented men, and they each tapped on a small raised wooden platform that was mic-ed underneath so every little tap of their feet sounded like a drum. i had expected there to be music accompaniment, since he had tapped to classical music the first time we saw him, but the really cool thing about the show was that the tapping was the music. their feet were the instruments. they even sell cd's of the sounds the tapping makes, because if you close your eyes, you'd swear it was drumming, or a bass or something. just unreal. i'm so happy we were able to go again. i know erik will be tap dancing around our apartment for weeks to come, and i've been looking up tap videos on you tube all morning. i found an astonishing one of gene kelly tapping in roller skates!!!! seriously, my mom couldn't have pushed me a little bit harder to find some sort of useful talent? this guy could tap dance in roller skates...and i can crush an aluminum can behind my back. really? i guess you're just born with it, and i'm telling you, savion glover was born with enough talent for a hundred people. amazing. also makes me wanna curl up on the couch and watch happy feet (which, in case you did not know, savion did the choreography for!)...and perhaps i will. it is friday, after all...
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