Monday, May 21, 2012

just like starting over

ok, i have clearly forgotten that i even HAVE a blog. i guess this is what happens when no one reads it, and/or you don't take the time to actually write in it. so i am going to pretend that this whole thing is new to me, that anyone is interested in what i have to say, and try and dedicate a little more time and find some inspiration to pour into writing.

so it's been almost a year since my last entry. amazing how quickly it has gone by - although i have sworn to more than one person that 2011 went by faster than any other year in my life. i don't know how that happened. but here i am, another year older, only slightly wiser, and in reflecting on the last year, i should probably spend some time figuring out what i took away from it and what i learned. it was extremely challenging at times but also incredibly rewarding, and i can only hope that as i am getting older that i'm actually learning from my mistakes and not just repeating the same ones over and over again. or at the very least, i hope to make better mistakes in the future than i've made in the past. and i could probably also stand to not be as hard on myself for some of the mistakes that i have made...luckily i have some amazing friends who are not afraid to tell me when i have lost my mind and need to check myself, and who will also show up to trapeze shows in full support of what most people would probably tell me i am entirely too old to be doing. they will also sometimes let me drag them to random concerts they don't want to go to (since i lost my partner in crime to the city of new orleans), indulge me in taking care of my dog so i can take random trips whenever i feel like it (which is not as often as my wanderlust would like), are completely tolerant of my reaction to seeing kermit the frog on tv, and are overall just about the most supportive, completely wonderful group of people a girl could ask to surround herself with.

so. here's to more creative writing in the coming weeks and months, more time spent exploring the things i'm passionate about (drinking wine on my patio with my girlfriends totally counts as something i'm passionate about, right?), and to enjoying the journey life is taking me on. i haven't figured out what the destination is yet, and i don't always appreciate the ride as much as i probably should, but, like the words i saw spray painted on the wall of a cathedral last time i was in italy said...give more than you get and you will be blessed. and i think remembering how blessed i am is a pretty decent goal to start my new blog off with.

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