i'm not entirely sure how this happened, but it's monday again. normally i would complain about how quickly my weekend went by and i don't feel rested because i kept myself so busy because i don't know how to sit still and just relax on the weekends and whine that 3 day weekends should be the rule instead of the exception, BUT...i am kind of glad this weekend went by so fast. it means that i am now less than a week out from my trip to costa rica and since i haven't been out of the country (because i don't count canada, even though they do speak all that crazy french business in montreal and have different money and eat weird things like french fries covered in cheese curd and gravy) since 2008 and my passport is ITCHING to get the hey out of town. so we're trying to plan what all we're going to do while we are there and i think it's going to amount to a whole lot of nothing, which i'd like to say is fine with me, but i have never been good at relaxing anyway and there is only so much poolside reading and mai thai sipping i can do before i start getting bored and antsy and annoying the crap out of everyone that i'm with. so we've been looking into some "adventure tours" like ziplining (which i want to think i'd be ok with, but honestly, i'm really not sure if my inner ninny baby could handle this) and snorkeling, but what i really want to do is go horseback riding on the beach. i want to say i'd be down for diving or snorkeling because i've done both before and loved it, but that's when i was young and fearless and my older and wiser self is now consumed with fear of jellyfish to the point where i can't even look at them without going into full body paralysis. maybe i will be able to get over myself long enough to prove that i can too get into the water without being stung or freaked out or abducted by monster jellyfish and carried away to the depths of the ocean where i will be forced to serve the jellyfish queen until the end of time. this has happened to at least 3 people that i know of.
but i do have at least 3 books to read (yes, 2 of which i have already read once before), and i am bringing my tennis shoes because this place is supposed to have a nice gym and if i'm going to be privvy to all inclusive eating and drinking for 7 days, there will be lots of working out to counter that. plus i will have my family and they are pretty much a walking reality show anyway, so that promises to be amusing at the very least. anyway, i doubt being bored in costa rica is anywhere near as awful as being bored sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day, and i am, in fact, rather looking forward to being bored out of my mind at the swim-up bar that graces the hotel pool. i am also looking forward to living in sundresses for an entire week and not once getting up in the morning and thinking, what am i going to wear to work today?? because, oh, that's right, I DON'T HAVE TO GO TO WORK TODAY. i hope costa rica is prepared....