Tuesday, July 1, 2008

i can see for aisles and aisles and aisles...

so, last night i tackled that household chore that i hate more than mopping the floor (and trust me, if your dog was as big and messy as mine is, you'd hate it too)...and that is grocery shopping. for some unknown reason, i would rather go to the grocery store every single night after work and pick up ingredients for whatever's on the menu for dinner than go once every two weeks and get everything at once. i do not know why, i really don't. so yesterday i made myself a list of what we would have for dinner every night through sunday, including what i'd need to buy for each dinner. i have to say that having a very detailed list cuts down on the anxiety for me, and while i spent a lot, i didn't spend a fortune, and i also didn't end up wandering the aisles aimlessly, trying to remember what it was that i was looking for. novel idea, right? a grocery list. i am a genius. for some reason i've been laboring under the impression that i could go to the store, get what i needed and get out in 5 minutes, no lists needed. of course, after the fifteenth time i went to put dinner together and find out that i'm missing at least three things, i figured it was time to try out this whole "list" thing. you know what is the best thing about it, though, is that it keeps me from putting stuff i don't need into the cart. you know, like bon bons and cheez-its, and the sugary kids cereals that are on sale, 2 for $5. i think i put two things in my cart last night that weren't on my list, neither of which was covered, dipped, or drizzled with sugar. so i was rather pleased with myself by the end of it all. i was also starving, since it was 8 o'clock by the time i got there - which is also a bad idea in and of itself. hunger will cause you to buy the weirdest things when you're in a grocery store, like, i swear, i really do need some fried potato sticks (those things are good, though, starving or not) and mac and cheese-flavored chips. everything sounds pretty tasty when your stomach is making more noise than the squeaky wheel of your grocery cart. i just wish you could go to the store once and be done with it, forever. the return trips every couple of weeks just seem so unecessary...hello, i just did this 2 weeks ago!!! plus i know i'm going to have to go back sooner than i think because food in my house means we eat about an extra 2-3 times a day. since there is never food in our fridge, it's so shocking to look in there and see sustinance, that we usually end up eating our entire week's worth of food in about 4 days. which means i'm back to going to the store once a day until i can build up the energy to make my way around those aisles once again.


niki said...

will you do my grocery shopping then?

Bowlings said...

Tell me about it...add 2 kids to your cart! I think I'm going to have to start hiring a babysitter just to go to the grocery!