Friday, June 18, 2010

kicking the habit

i am not shy about my diet coke addiction. i bring one with me to work every morning and i crack that baby open at 9am (with a smile on my face since i always associate the sound of a can opening with the taste of a cold beer on a hot afternoon, so i guess that pavlov guy was right after all). i shun the idea of a morning coffee - I SHUN IT! i don't actually really even like coffee all that much. you will not ever catch me drinking it hot, and while i will drink it cold, it's mostly milk with a little bit of coffee in it for color. during a trip to montreal a few years ago, i ordered a diet coke with my breakfast and the teenager across the table from me looked at me with disgust and said "you're SUCH an american." since he was about 13 at the time and drinking an espresso i really had no retort because canadians are so much cooler than we are. ANYWAY. i have started drinking more iced coffee lately...not because i've developed a taste for it (really, it's half milk and has about 5 splendas in it, so i hardly think it counts as coffee anyway), but because it's getting warmer and the days are getting longer and i need a reason to leave my desk every day for at least 30 minutes to go bask in the glory of the summer sun. it's kind of like when i was waiting tables in college and i started smoking simply because it provided me with a guaranteed 15 minute break every hour and a half. and if you've ever worked a double, you'll understand and sympathize. and you probably started smoking, too. since i do limit myself to one measly can of diet coke a day (yes, there was a time when i was up to about 4 or 5), i figure that one tall coffee from starbucks that doesn't really even count as a coffee won't really hurt me in the caffeine department.

although this week i've noticed that my eye has been twitching a lot. i either REALLY need a vacation, or i need to just tell my boss that i'm going for a walk without needing the coffee excuse. surely it's within my legal rights to say, i'm suffering from a vitamin D deficiency and need to immediately park myself in a sunny spot and people watch - i mean soak up the vitamin d - for at least 30 minutes.

i TOTALLY do need a vacation, though...

1 comment:

Matt said...

when you are in costa rica, give fresh coffee a chance. i was the same way until we went to belize. since then? coffee snob. freshly roasted coffee is crack. and i'm still on my diet pepsi for lunch is wonderful, if not so good for me.