Thursday, June 24, 2010

getting a new phone...and losing my mind

have i mentioned that i can't believe that it's 2010?? i feel like it was 5 minutes ago that i was trying to remember to write 1989 instead of 1988 on all my homework...either that was the longest 5 minutes EVER or i need to suck it up and face reality. that said, i FINALLY joined the rest of the free world and upgraded myself to one of those hoity-toity phones that allows you to access the internet anywhere, anytime, find yourself on a map and locate the nearest sushi restaurant, purchase and download music, and will probably babysit your children for you (cause i'm sure there's an app for that). i didn't get an iphone - because at&t SUCKS, but i did get myself a touch screen phone that i was rather thrilled with upon it's arrival at my apartment yesterday.

however. i have figured out what the problem is. with us. with the world. with EVERYTHING. when you wake up in the morning and your phone is sitting right next to you, with it's facebook widget all patiently waiting for you to touch it so it can tell you everyone's business before you've even brushed your teeth, the rest of the day is pretty much downhill. WE. ARE. ADDICTED. i fought the urge to check my facebook, comcast and gmail accounts, however, since i have officially decided that i am not going to be THAT PERSON. my sister is that person. it annoys the crap out of me. she checks her gmail every 30 seconds. i guess that's why i've held on to just having a regular old phone for such a long time: i really don't NEED to be all that accessible. my job isn't that important that i need to be on email at 11 o'clock at night. i'm not a surgeon, or a CEO, and there is pretty much nothing that anyone could say to me that couldn't just wait until morning. PLUS, i have to pay an extra $30 per month on top of my regular phone plan fee just for the privelege of accessing the internet whenever my heart desires.

i will say it will be nice to finally have a hand held device that can answer all the ridiculous questions that i come up with on a regular basis (because i think it really is important to know how postage works from country to country - hello, if i send a postcard from france to the usa, who's postal workers get paid from my stamp - ours or the french??). but it's going to be hard to not become an internet junkie. i already spend 8 hours a day in front of a computer. and along comes one more thing to attach myself to and become so dependent upon that i can't live without it (although i do have a kindle that is sitting around collecting dust because while i do see the advantage of the electronic book, it's just not the same as A BOOK, and you can't make notes in the margins or doodle on the inside cover which kind of makes it less interesting, too).

luckily, this phone is the most un-intuitive thing i've ever come across, so i will probably end up only using about 4% of its features anyway. i NEVER call anyone anyway cause i hate talking on the phone (everyone knows that if you want to get in touch with me, you'd better text), so i may be testing the waters on this whole smart phone phenomenon, but i am at least moderately confident that i will end up using my fancy new phone the way i used my not so fancy old phones: as an alarm clock.

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