there are few things on this earth that excite me as much as a short work week. however, having a short work week because i am taking off on thursday for the MOTHERLAND (that is new orleans to those of you who may not know) is just about the greatest thing on earth. ever. last time i was down was back in march, when i went to do some volunteer work, and while i did get some time to love up on my favorite city on earth, i did actually have work to do during the day, so i didn't get to spend as much time making googly eyes at nola as i would have liked to. NOT SO THIS TIME. i figured that since 2010 has been a bit rough on me, i totally deserve a trip back home to recharge my batteries, see my best friend, catch some kickass live music, and maybe even drink a daiquiri (or four). seriously, just the wafting smell of popeyes when you land at msy airport makes my heart smile, and i have been known to cry tears of joy just standing in the sun on the steps of st. louis cathedral and listening to the beautiful concert of sound that the french quarter makes on a daily basis. you know that feeling that you get when you are with someone who just gets why you are the way you are and you don't ever have to explain yourself or apolgize for seeing things the way you see them? they just feel like home, in every sense of the word, and that is how new orleans feels to me, even though my sarsgaard (don't ask) of a cousin insists that i never actually LIVED in new orleans (which is ridiculous, because NEITHER DID HE since gretna technically is not new orleans). being in new orleans just makes me feel more like me than i ever feel anywhere else, including DC. actually, i also feel this way about florence, but i see much less of florence than i do of lady nola. (hmm, that would make an awesome stage name, but that is a digression of what i'm talking about and i think maybe lady gaga owns the rights to "lady" anything nowadays which is sad cause i always wanted a title with "lady" in front...) ANYWAY, the point is that i am going home and i am freakin excited. i am going to bring my tennis shoes and run all over the french quarter and down st. charles so that i can then eat fried catfish and drink 1200 calorie slushy drinks (mmmm, white russian daiquiris!!!) and not feel all that terribly awful about it. i am going to spend time with my best friend and laugh at all the stupid things we used to do back in grade school and i am going to hold her son and marvel at the fact that this girl that used to play in the woods with me after school is now someone's mother and he in fact seems to be a pretty normal and happy child despite the fact that she is a nut job. i am going to fill my ears with all the live music i can get and i am going to stop and listen to all the amazing street performers in the quarter (i will not, however, even so much as stop to look at all the mimes because they can smell my fear of them and they prey on me because of this). i am going to go home and soak up every bit of that place that i can, and i am not going to think about work, or anything going on in my life except for the poboy that is in front of me. except my dog. i might think about him. he likes crawfish, and he is a lazy bum, so i know he would fit right in in nola. so. two more work days and i am off to restore my sanity in the craziest city in the world. i. can't. wait.
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